Monday 22 May 2017

Moodle Mooc 10

Hello everyone, today in this post I am going to talk about my experience, participating in the live online conference Moodle Mooc 10.

First of all, what is Moodle Mooc 10? It is a series of online conferences with the purpose of connecting teachers (from any country) to share knowledge, experience, reflections on personal and professional development, social and collaborative leaning, ... This year, the MM10 will take place between 1 of May and 4 of June. 

In our particular case, we participated in the conference Open Educational Digital Project for CLIL Primary Education. This conference took place at WizlQ (a cloud-based learning delivery platform with a suite of integrated features). 

Once I read about the aims of the challenge and about the instructions I did the following:

1) I added my single support slide for the live class to the class collection (using Google Docs).

I have to admit that it was very simple. I added (on the slide) a photo of myself, my name and a screenshot of the layout of my blog, adding its URL.

2) I started thinking about my speech. It was very difficult, because I had lots of ideas in my head. Mainly I wanted to refer to my experience with ICT, the dynamic of the ICT classroom and my Open Education Digital Project. In particular I wanted to talk about why I chose it, its aim and about one of my supper learning missions (The sound of the European countries). Finally I wanted to include a personal reflexion. 

3) I redacted a transcription of my speech. 

4) A week before the conference (27th April), we did a simulacrum in order to check if everything worked properly (sound and image) and to practice. It was an excellent opportunity to improve my speech for the conference. 

5) On Thursday, May 4 the conference took place and all of us talked about our projects. I was quite nervous, but listening to my classmates and seeing how well they did it, I kept calm. Maria Jesús introduced each one of us before talking and I was the number 20.

It was amazing, because at the same time we were participating in the conference, a people around the wold were listening to us and giving feedback through the conference chat. Moreover at the same time (while each one of us was talking), our mates were sharing information about our blog, twitter account, etc. using the hashtags #moodlemooc10.

The live conference was recorded and you can see the final outcome here. 

Through this experience, I have had the opportunity to participate in my first educational conference. Although I was a little bit nervous at the beginning, I have to confess that it was amazing.

I have also learnt to organize the time of my speech, because although five minutes might not seem a long time, you still have to organize your ideas and put them in order.

I am of the opinion that this is the future of teacher. This means to be in touch with each other, share experiences, projects and ideas. I hope to have many more opportunities like this and to always offer something new.

I will be pleased to receive ideas to improve my work. Together we can do an awesome project.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miguel!

    First of all, I must confess that I found really original your OEP. I have never thought about creating a world map with the sounds of each country. It is interesting how the conference makes possible to learn from the others. I had write down some ideas that I would like to apply in the future in my class. Secondly, it was also the first time that I participated in an online conference and my main conclusion was similar to you, working together we can do many things to improve education. I hope to have the opportunity to participate in the future in order conference, but what it is really important is that I will continuo working to improve my teaching practice and contributing with resources and ideas to enhance education.
