Monday 1 May 2017

Designing an assessment rubric.


Welcome again to my blog! This time I am going to show you the rubric that I have created to evaluate my Open Educational Digital Project.

This is the last step to complete my project. Maybe you have already seen in my previous post that I have created a rubric. This is because I didn't know the aim of this last challenge. This time, I have investigated deeply about what a rubric is and how it has to be designed. It has been necessary to look for examples and more information in order to do my best approach.

I have to confess that before going to University, I had never taken part in the assessment process. I mean, I knew that it was necessary to do my best in order to pass different tasks successfully, bit I didn't know that the teachers expected of my work.

Why should you design a rubric? What do you have to take in consideration? Here I will show you both aspects, summarizing the most important facts (I have used the online tool piktochart).

Once I had clear how a rubric should be, I planed one based on my Open Educational Project. I tried to do a useful and clear rubric (for me as teacher and for the students). Taking into account the previous aspects, I designed one. I have pondered deeply about what criteria I wanted to include and I wrote too many at the beginning. Then I though that ir would not be useful and reduced them to five. I haven't used any specific online tool to design my rubric, because I have already created different rubrics for my students on my computer. Therefore I preferred to save it in the same format than the rest of them. Here I present you my rubric.

As you can see, this is a clear rubric that makes the teaching-learning process easier. However, we can use other tools to evaluate. For example, it would be interesting to create a similar rubric for the students but with a more understandable language. We can also add the direct observation and the class diary as resources to assess.

As a conclusion, I can say that designing a rubric to evaluate my super learning missions, has not been as easy as I though. Above all, the most difficult was to describe each descriptor. The assessment process is something serious (it is the goal of our work). In this way we can improve as teachers and at the same time the students can see their progressions. When I created this rubric I have also reflected about the most important aspects of my super learning missions. This last challenge, gives meaning to the previous challenges and concludes hard work along 3 months. Moreover it demonstrates that the teacher's work is not easy but when you do your work properly you will be rewarded.

I will be pleased to receive ideas to improve my work. Together we can do an awesome project!

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