Monday 24 April 2017

My super learning mission (2)

Hello again, how I already told you in my previous post, here you can see my second super learning mission (please, before reading this post, read my previous one to understand it better). Both missions are part of the same project and my motivation, ideas and feelings are the same than I expressed at the beginning of my previous post. This time I only changed the way in which I planed the activities. When I started to plan the second mission (sending a package) I believed that it would be difficult to create engaging activities. Then I remembered what I have learnt in the subject TIC. I  started to think about online tools and creative ideas and finally I developed the second mission. The  following points have been omitted: "Introduction" and "Before start". This is because they are part of the same project and they are correlatives.   

MISSION 2: "Sending a package" (in groups)

How many times have you seen arriving a package at home? Sometimes, packages travel long distances around the world. In this case, we are going to plan an itinerary for some products. Imagine that you are a delivery man and you have to send packages from different countries in Europe to Madrid. 

The following rubric will help you to create a good job.

At the end of this mission, you should be able to:

- Know the countries of the European continent.
- Know the neighboring countries of other European countries. 
- Use tools to do presentations online.
- Compare different routes to move around Europe.
- Work in a collaborative way respecting the opinions of your partners.

Please pay attention to the instructions:

1) Look for 5 different objects made in Europe (at home or on the internet).
2) Use google maps and plan a route for each object to Madrid.
3) Take notes of the different countries the object will go, the capital and the main aspects of each country. You can follow this chart:

4) Now it is time to do a presentation about the route of each object. You have some online tools that you can use: Prezy, Genialy or Canva.

If you want to use images, here you have some interesting websites which you can use: pexels, stocksnap, flickr, lifeofpix or pixabay.

This is an example of the work that you will have to do with each object. You can be as creative as you want!

5) Once you have realized it, you can write a new post in the class blog writing about what you have learned. You can talk about which country you have liked the most and why (because of its monuments, food,...). Remember to share this presentation with your eTwinning partner (he will do the same!)

Summing up, I would like to say that most of the times, the best way to find out if something really works is just doing it. When creating this presentation with genialy I have noticed that it is motivating and really useful also for students. Of course you have to provide them with freedom to choose their favorite editing program and it is necessary to look for more than just one tool that can do the same functions.

It is really difficult to design and plan the two super learning mission. But now that it is done, the feeling of satisfaction is great. Nevertheless this work can be improved and adapted to the current situations whenever necessary.

This kind of challenges are also better to engage students because they learn through a significant way. Most of the times the way in which students learn is repetitive without motivation. This kind of projects and of course the teachers can help to create a true super mission: to change the school.

I will be pleased to receive ideas to improve my work. Together we can do an awesome project!


  1. Great job, Miguel! I really enjoyed reading about your mission! You explained the perfect amount of information about it, and you made sure to include visuals that helped me understand even more about what your mission is about and how your students are going to benefit from it! Moreover, I enjoyed reading your Conclusion, as it is so inspiring! I really believe your class is going to feel motivated to overcome this mission!

  2. Good job, Miguel! I think that there is no flat activity that you plan, but even so, you did a great job! I really like your activities, specially the one in which students have to find out the countries, capitals and so forth. Besides, I consider it was a good idea to create those rubrics for each super learning missions. I must admit that I really like the idea of your super learning mission 1 but I would have liked to see the final outcome (I mean, the entry in your blog as if you were a children who has done the activity you proposed). Apart from that, everything is perfect!
    Waiting to see your next post.

  3. Great job Miguel! Your presentation is just amazing. I am looking forward to reading your next post. Keep up the good work! :)
