Sunday 23 April 2017

My Super learning mission (1)

Hello again, this time you are going to read about the super learning mission that I have created.

I had a CLIL project which I had converted in a collaborative one, but now it was time to develop it in order to create two successful missions. Firstly I informed myself again about how to create a successful super learning mission an I consulted some websites (Edutopia)

After it was the momento to thing about how to make the activities more attractive and about the interactive tools I could use. It has also been an opportunity to create something real and useful to carry out in the future. I have to confess that at first I developed a really long mission and when I read it, I realized that it was too difficult to understand (Y used a complicated vocabulary and it was not clear for the students). Then, I tried to think like a student and redacted everything again. I embedded links and gave clear examples to clarify each one of the steps.

To create the activities was easy, because they already existed in my "prototype of a CLIL project". Now it was time to develop each one, create clear steps and search for the best online tools to be used by students. When it was possible, I gave examples (I created a soundcloud field and a presentation). Most of the times, students need to follow a reference point to create their own ideas after.

Now, it is time so show you my super learning mission 1. It has been divided in: Introduction, Before start and Mission 1.



Welcome to a new learning adventure in which you are going to improve your knowledge, your English and the use of new technologies! This project is about Europe and its sounds. Try to do your best and enjoy your learning process.

Along this resource you will work on different sounds of the nature around you and learn how the different countries in Europe are connected. You will be proposed two missions. You are also going to improve your English skills: writing (writing in the class blog), speaking (exchanging ideas with your partners) and listening (listening to your classmates, teachers and through videos).

This project will be worked in a collaborative way. There will be pair work, team work and individual work. This means that you will have to listen to your partners, respect them, listen to their ideas and work together to achieve the best result (but sometimes you will have to work alone). You also have to listen to the teacher's explanations to understand everything better.

Retrieved from flaticon 
To do your best, it is very important to follow the instructions given in each activity.


It is a petty if we don't share what we learn. Therefore we are going to write in our class blog all our reflections about the missions. But, Why do we do that?

Because we are going to take part of the eTwinning community. Through eTwinning, the schools create projects and we are going to create a project together with a German school. Our partner school is going to see our project, and we are also going to see their project. Then, we have to be creative and work knowing that our ideas will be read by other students.  

The following rubric will help you to create a good job:

MISSION 1: "The sound of the European countries" (in pairs) 

At the end of this mission, you should be able to:

- Edit your own recordings.
- Upload you recordings in a collaborative sound map website. 
- Know the sounds of the nature around you and Europe.
- Work in a collaborative way respecting the opinions of your partners.
- Use online tools in order to achieve your objetives. 

Here you are going to listen about what a sound map is. Please, pay attention: 

As you can see, a sound map puts emphasis on the sound representation of a specific location. The objetive of sounds maps is to represent a specific environment using its soundscape as primary references as opposed to visual cues. Sound maps encourage the participants to listen carefully. 

Now it is time to work on something real. We are going to participate in the sound map project naturesoundmap. Please pay attention to the instructions:

1. Visit this links of the website naturesoundmap to know the project better:
      - about the project.
      - submissions

2. Look for an interesting place in the nature close to you that you would like to record. Record it and remember to take a picture of the place.

3. Now, you can upload the field to the web naturesoundmap (visit again the link).
As it is said in submissions, you have to use soundcloud. Here you have an example about how            your final result should be: example
To use soundcloud you need to have a gmail account, with the help of an adult create a gmail account and then you will be ready tu use soundcloud. 

4. Share your sounds. As it has been said, you are going to take part in the project eTwinning. Copy the link of your sound and share it with you student partner in Germany. He will share his sound also with you. 

5. Write a new entry in the class blog, explaining briefly what you have done. Here you have some ideas about what can you write:
a) Talk about the place chosen to record.
b) The sounds that you listened.
c) How did you feel while you were there?
d) What have you learned in this work?

Summing up, I have to confess that it has been a little bit difficult to create a super learning mission because all the steps had to be very clear. I thought: If I were a student and I had to do this challenge alone,  could I have done it by myself? I think that I have achieved a good approach. However, I think that the connexion with my collaborative project could have been better. In my previous post I looked for a partner: "twima project" but I noticed after that Twima is coming to an end on 1 May. Then (following the recommendations) I have connected it with eTwining. I know how eTwining works but not enough (it would be necessary to take part in this project in a real way to know more about it or to complete a course). Then I hope to learn about eTwining soon to improve this super learning mission. 

I have also learned how to use soundcloud, it is a really easy online tool, and it gives you the opportunity to upload your music creation and share it around the world easily. I think that children would enjoy using this tool, and it has a perfect connection with music lessons. Students can record their creations and share it (if the learning process continues outside of the class, it is so much more motivating). 

In my following post, you can see my MISSION 2: Sending a package" 

I will be pleased to receive ideas to improve my work. Together we can do an awesome project!



  1. Your first mission is simply great! Children are going to be able to learn so many things while working with new digital tools. Even though you said it was a little bit difficult to pull the mission together, I think you did an awesome job, as I understood your mission and the steps are certainly clear!
    Awesome post, Miguel!

  2. Hi Miguel!

    Fantastic learning mission! I really like your learning mission as it is different and students connect with other students from another country. I am of the opinion that it is very good opportunity to learn about nature itself, since a great deal of times, we don't pay attention to it carefully, and examine its features, observing it in detail, and paying attention to its sounds. Moreover, students will learn about other worthy places and they will work on their feelings and emotions, which is going to promote emotional intelligence, something very important.

    All in all, we have to listen to the sound of nature, so
    great job !
