Tuesday 18 April 2017

Enriching my educational project (a visual metaphor)

In my last post, I designed a project focused on the European continent, it's countries, relief and the music. It helped me so much, because it gave me the opportunity to design a useful project to put into practice in a future. However my project still was not perfect because it was not a collaborative one.

In this post you are going to see how I am going to turn my open educational digital project into a collaborative one. Learning should be a social experience, that is why I am going to connect my previous project with a collaborative project. 

First of all, I started reading the different kind of collaborative currents to find the most interesting one for my personal project: 

Retrieved from flaticon 

Finally I decided to convert my project in a collaboration out of the classroom. As you will remember, the title of my prototyped educational project was: The European continent. Now it is time to make it more attractive. I have been challenged to design an online visual metaphor to turn my educational project into a collaborative one. So, let's get to work!

"Molino". Photograph by hschmider. CCO Public Domain.

All European countries have aspects that make them different from each other: landscape, relief, cities, monuments, music... Bur in every place we can also find different sounds, which make it unique. For example, the sounds of a forest in the mountains of Madrid are totally different from the sounds we can find near of Scotties cliff. 

Now, you can see my visual metaphor: 

To finish, I would like to talk about piktochart, naturesoundmap and eTwinning.

Piktochart: I like to discover tools like pixabay that help you to create infographics, presentations and printable in a professional way. I also have to mention that it works very intuitively (with an easy interface) and in a short time anyone is able to manage the program effectively. However it is true that the payment version includes certain advantages (better image quality, export your presentations to SlideShare...).

Naturesoundmap: is a collaborative project whose aim is to create a worldwide's natural sound map. This project is done by professional nature recordists although anyone can participate. People share photos, profiles or tweets... I thing that a sound map is something more interesting that also helps to create an awareness of respect about the planet. It is very easy to use and everything that uploads is verified. 

eTwinning: is a community of schools in Europe. It offers a platform for European schools, to communicate, collaborate and develop projects between them. I thing it's an interesting way to get enriching projects. In this way, a project carried out in a class can become more dynamic and motivating. In addition, friendships between schools in different countries are strengthened. 

I would like to carry out this collaborative project next year and above all I am happy to know the web eTwining. Also I have learned the different ways in which teachers can transform project into collaborative ones. Taking into account the global world in which we live, I think it is a very important aspect. 

I will be pleased to receive ideas to improve my work. Together we can do an awesome project. 

Thank you!


  1. Hello Miguel!!! It is a great idea how you have enriched your educational project with collaborative work. Besides, I love the idea of sharing students´ work with other students from Germany! It is a really nice and motivating experience for children and I´m sure they will love it. I´m looking forward seeing more from your project, which is very interesting. I´m sure you are going to succeed next year carrying it out in your classroom.
    Great job!!
