Monday 27 March 2017

My prototype of a CLIL Educational Digital Project.

Hello everyone.

In the previous post, we saw the analysis of a CLIL project. Thanks to that work, I learnt about the most important aspects when carrying out a project.

Now in this post, you are going to see  a prototype of my CLIL project. For me it was difficult to chose a topic. Finally I decided to investigate about a social science topic: the European continent. I will try to explain carefully all the steps I followed and also my learning experience concerning this matter.

"Word". Photograph by TheAndrasBarta.CC0 Public Domain

I want to clarify that this work is a first approach to the project and therefore, changes can be made later on (depending on the real needs that I may find in a class).

Firstly I want to show you the template used to design my prototype. It has been very useful for organizing all my ideas and shaping the project. I used the tool issuu. This template shows the main features of this educational project.

As you can see, this project has been designed for the social science subject and it has a link with the music subject (cross-curricular link). It has also been designed with the propose to achieve the following aims: to locate Europe in a map; to recognize the limits of the European continent; to know the different landforms of the European continent; to identify on a map the main landforms of the European contienen; to identify some European countries; to develop habits of responsibility, effort and teamwork and to know some examples of music in Europe. The project has been designed for 8 sessions. In the session there are 2 missions (challenges) included and a final project to be done in groups. Through the seasons some skills such as communication skills, digital skills, learn to learn or social and civic skills will be developed.

I am going to show you a video to summarize the whole information. I was not sure about which tool to use to do a video. I knew how to use some online tools, and then I decided to do it myself.  Using Keynote (it is a slideshow presentation software developed by Apple), I created my own animated presentation. Then I recorded my presentation on video using QuickTime and after iMovie (a video editing software application sold by Apple). I did my own video and uploaded it on YoTube, so it was easy to link it to this post. Here you have the result:

To conclude, I would like to do a reflection of my own work. This challenge task (Prototype your open CLIL educational digital project), has made me reflect, plan and structure a prototype project like never before. The template was very useful and helped me to remember all the important aspects. Now that I have done my template, I can develop and use it in the future.  After, the video presentation has allowed me to do my own work without using online tools. I think that this aspect is important, because some times you don't have access to the net, and this is an easy way to do something by yourself.

I will be pleased to received ideas to improve my work. Together we can do an awesome project.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Your project is original, I consider that you have established an interesting conexion between Music and Geography. The project is appropriately in terms of coginition for the age. Besides, the learning is multi-sensory because you combine the sense of sight and hearing in the learning missions. Furtheremore, you have included intercultural elements through the differents sounds of the countries. It is probably the most difficult part of CLIL. Your CLIL elements are well explained and the lessons are learner centred. Great job!
