Thursday 23 March 2017

"My town" Analyzing a CLIL project.

I am going to analyze the project “My town”.
My town is a project designed for 1st grades of Secondary Education. Through different challenges (5 missions) students will have to carry out a final activity that will consist of creating a video clip in which they are going to promote their city.

The objectives of this project are:

  • To know and to use the vocabulary regarding to the city.
  • To be able to ask and answer about how to get to a place in a city.
  • To make comparisons.
  • To produce a video clip about the good sides of a city.

In order to do a deep analysis of this project, firstly I have read the moodle instructions carefully and secondly I have read the project in depth contrasting the information with the following checklist. 

After I have done a draft taking into account the principal ideas of the checklist “Essential Project Design Elements Checklist” found on moodle.

Here you can see the analysis and at the end of this entry you will see a presentation that will help you to understand the analysis.


The project is focused on teaching students key knowledge and understanding derived from standards, and success skills including critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration, and self-management. 

The aim of this project is to guide students in the use of english language focusing on development skills such as listening, writing, speaking, carrying out investigationcooperating with othersreviewing work, creativity, organizing information etc. Some of these skills are implicitly cited as we can see in the picture below. 

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

As well as each of the proposed activities, has clear standards to make the work of the students easier. 

Example 4


The project is focused on making a final work going through several missions. Each mission has established steps but students are free to exploit their creativity. In the case of the final activity, they have to create a videoclip about their city. But they are free to write whatever they want in each part of the video.

Of course the theme is engaging because it starts from a reality that they know (the cities) in connexion with something that they love (new technologies).


As it is said at the beginning of the project, the knowledge will be created not only by the teacher's explanation, but also as a self investigation and interaction among the partners. This makes the process of learning more enriching because students will learn by generating questions, sharing and contrasting informations with others and using resources. We can find one example of this in the activity number one:

Example 5


From the start it is made patent how the project is connected with the real word-context. On television or on the internet it is very common to see videos promoting cities, culture or products. With this project, the students will have the opportunity to do something similar. Also, along the activities, students will use tools such us WeVideo,  Storyboard ThatGoogle DocumentPoster My WallYoutubeVimeo or twitter

Their work will also have a real impact because they will upload their video on YouTube where everybody can see it. 

With this project the students will feel interested and identified because they have used tools to which they are accustomed. In addition their work will remain in the time (which is a motivating aspect).


In the whole project the students are never obligated to use a specific tool. These tools are suggestions and in the instruction they are redacted in this way “You may use an online tool such as…” . Sometimes the  student is also offered the opportunity to choose the tool he wants.

Example 6


The project provides opportunities for students to reflect on what and how they are learning, and on the project’s design and implementation.

Before the project, students have to reflect about the topic that they will work on in the following sessions. 

Example 7

Along the project students are constantly doing reflexions about what they are learning. For example, in the project some advices are given to make the student reflect. 

Example 8

In this case, the students have to put in practice what they have learned. 

Example 9

At the end of the project students have to reflect about their experience with this project. This reflection is useful for students and the teacher (to solve or change all the aspects that might not work properly). 

Example 10

It is interesting, that at the end of the project, there is a didactic guideline, where the students can see the structure of the project.


This project is designed to be done in groups, so that the students can give each other feedback. Also the checklist of each missions is useful because the student can image how his evaluation will be.  I imagine that during the sessions the students will also receive a feedback from their teacher. In the last sessions, the teacher will assess students and he will do a collaborative assessment.


With this project, students create a main product: a video clip in which they are going to promote their city and also they are going to upload their video on YouTube

Besides, they will create a blog where they present the works and activities that they have done.

Blogs and youtube are two digital spaces where everybody has access to, which means that their work will have a global diffusion.


Doing this work I have learned tow thing that I consider fundamenta: learn to analyze a project and the use of a new tool like

I have to admit that I have enjoyed and suffered at the same time doing this work. But the reward was worth it.

Thank you!  

Following you can see the presentation that I hace created using


  1. Great work Miguel! I've learned a lot! Thank you :)

  2. Hello Miguel!!! You have a done a great deep analysis of this educational project including many characteristics and showing a lot of screenshots that indicates your information. Besides, your genially is very well organized and easy to understand.
    Good job!!!
